Journal of e-Journal of e-Science Letters [ISSN 3041-5454 (Online)] is a bimonthly double-blind peer review and open-access journal. It publishes high-quality original research across the entire range of science and related fields. It accepts and encourages a wide range of fields in its discipline and publishes discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc.
About Publishers, Research Floor established in 2018 and registered under pursuant to sub-section 7 Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 (Incorporation rules, 2014) Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Central Registration Centre, India. Journal of e-Journal of e-Science Letters established with an aim to disseminate the information among the scientific community. International Science Supernal allows us to achieve many readers by providing them access to scientific publications online for free of charge. With Open Access, we tend to remove all barriers that ancient publication models to match with the pace of the twenty-first century and therefore the large international analysis of research work. We assure the distribution of the latest developments and research to the whole scientific community.

Physical sciences are those academic disciplines that aim to uncover the underlying laws of nature – often written in the language of mathematics. It is a collective term for areas of study including astronomy, chemistry, materials science and physics.
- Chemistry
- Material Science
- Physics
- Nanoscience and Technology
- Optics and photonics
- Engineering
- Mathemetics and computing
- Astronomy and planetary science
- Energy Science and technology
Earth and environmental sciences cover all aspects of Earth and planetary sciences, and broadly encompasses solid Earth processes, surface and atmospheric dynamics, Earth system history, climate and climate change, marine and freshwater systems, and ecology. It also considers the interactions between humans and these systems.
- Ecology
- Environmental sciences
- Climate sciences
- Planetary science
- Environmental social sciences
- Solid Earth sciences
- Ocean sciences
- Biogeochemistry
- Natural hazards
- Hydrology
- Limnology
- Space physics
Biological sciences encompasses all the divisions of natural sciences examining various aspects of vital processes. The concept includes anatomy, physiology, cell biology, biochemistry and biophysics, and covers all organisms from microorganisms, animals to plants.
- Biological techniques
- Biotechnology
- Neuroscience
- Microbiology
- Biochemistry
- Genetics
- Chemical biology
- Cancer
- Immunology
- Cell biology
- Physiology
- Ecology
- Drug discovery
- Molecular biology
- Computational biology and bioinformatics
- Developmental biology
- Plant sciences
- Systems biology
- Evolution
- Biophysics
- Zoology
- Stem cells
- Psychology
- Structural biology
The health sciences study all aspects of health, disease and healthcare. This field of study aims to develop knowledge, interventions and technology for use in healthcare to improve the treatment of patients.
- Diseases
- Medical research
- Oncology
- Health care
- Neurology
- Biomarkers
- Gastroenterology
- Cardiology
- Pathogenesis
- Anatomy
- Endocrinology
- Risk factors
- Molecular medicine
- Nephrology
- Rheumatology
- Signs and symptoms
- Health occupations
Agricultural science is a broad multidisciplinary field of biology that encompasses the parts of exact, natural, economic and social sciences that are used in the practice and understanding of agriculture. (Veterinary science, but not animal science, is often excluded from the definition.)
“Unani” or “Yunani medicine” (Urdu: طب یونانی tibb yūnānī) is the term for Perso-Arabic traditional medicine as practiced in Mughal India and in Muslim culture in South Asia and modern day Central Asia The term Yūnānī means “Greek”, as the Perso-Arabic system of medicine was based on the teachings of the Greek …
Scientific community and society encompasses research and material which directly concerns, or is relevant to, members of the community of scientists in particular or society at large.
- Business and industry
- Social sciences
- Scientific community
- Forestry
- Developing world
Pharmaceutical sciences is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field of the “science of medicines” that aims to underpin the discovery, development, production, and use of medicines and integrate fundamental principles of physical and organic chemistry, engineering, biochemistry, and biology to understand the optimization of drug delivery, drug action to the body and translate this integrated understanding into new and improved therapies arguably one of the most complex and sophisticated endeavors of mankind.
- Pharmacology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacognosy
- Analysis and pharmaceutical quality, including quality assurance
- Biotechnology in research and development
- Clinical pharmacology and translational research
- Drug discovery and development
- Formulation design and development
- Manufacturing Science and engineering including medical devices
- Pharmacokinetics,pharmacodynamics, and drug metabolism
- Pharmacy and biopharmaceutics
- Regulatory science ensuring quality and safety
The Siddha System of Medicine (Traditional Tamil System of medicine), which has been prevalent in the ancient Tamil land, is the foremost of all other medical systems in the world. Its origin goes back to B.C 10,000 to B.C 4,000. As per the textual and archeological evidences which indicate the remote antiquity of the Dravidian civilization of the erstwhile submerged land Kumarikandam, that is the Lemuria continent situated in the Indian ocean, the Siddha System of Medicine is contemporaneous with those of the submerged lands Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Chinese and Grecian medicines.
Supplementation of Low Ratio n-6:n-3 PUFA Reduces Body Fatness in Young Obese Balinese Women: A Randomized Study with Optimized Energy Regulation
Factors Responsible for Childhood Malnutrition: A Review of the Literature